北京大学现代农业研究院将隆重推出“分子育种研修班”(Molecular Breeding Academy, PKU-IAAS-MBA),开设面向全球的分子育种高级培训课程。首期MBA培训初步计划将在今年11月举办。为此,我们将在”北京大学现代农业研究院“公众号开设【育种MBA】栏目,专题介绍分子育种研修班(MBA)的培训课程以及与分子育种有关的最新信息,请感兴趣的朋友们关注。
首期【育种MBA】栏目发布徐云碧博士撰写的推送文章,介绍Journal of Experimental Botany发表的论文“追求更好世界:作物改良与国际农业研究磋商团体”(In pursuit of a better world: crop improvement and the CGIAR )。
实验植物学杂志(Journal of Experimental Botany, JXB)最近出版了关于“Plant Production in Water-Limited Environments”的专辑(Special Issue), 其中包括了一篇来自世界22家农业研究机构、大学和公司的32位科学家联合撰写的长篇评述。该论文正文22页,而挂在网上的补充材料则长达116页。
Crop choice
Breeding objectives
Production of potential new varieties
Selection and release
Release and adoption of new varieties
Insights into future strategies and directions
—Foresight models
—Breeding teams
—Genetic gain and the breeder’s equation
—Production profiles, target population of environments and benefits
—Genetic variation
—Diseases and pests
—Crop productivity
正文通过以下链接下载(The full article is available at):
补充材料的下载链接如下 (Supplementary materials are available at):
1. Global food & nutrition security
2. Biotechnology & -omics
3. The essential and enduring role of genetics in crop improvement
4. Crop physiology
5. Crop phenomics
6. Phytopathology
7. Genetic resources for a new agricultural environment
8. Genetic resources
9. The Crop Ontology: increasing reusability and interoperability of breeding data
10. Agronomy and production environments
11. Yield-gap analyses for prioritizing crop improvement strategies
10. Agronomy and production environments
11. Yield-gap analyses for prioritizing crop improvement strategies
12. Envirotyping and crop modelling
13. On farm variety testing
14. Participatory plant breeding
15. Socio-economics: the specific role in crop improvement programs
15. Socio-economics: the specific role in crop improvement programs
16. Foresight as a tool to help target breeding objectives
17. Gender
18.Strengthening the links between nutrition and crop improvement research
19. HarvestPlus
这次JXB论文项目由国际热带农业研究中心的Urban博士发起,从2020年7月开始征集世界级专家(world-class expert)作为共同作者,徐云碧博士因为在国际上首次倡导环境型鉴定(envirotyping)新概念而受到邀请。
首先,由32名作者组成的庞大写作队伍组成20个写作团队,分别对19个领域进行单独撰写。另外一个团队负责汇总和总结。徐云碧博士作为第十二团队成员,共同撰写专题“Envirotyping and crop modeling”。
然后通过汇总、平衡和多轮讨论修改,形成完整论文“Together for the food-secure future: The crop improvement strategy for 2020's and beyond”,于2021年初投稿JXB。论文题目后来经过了修改。
各团队准备的专题只有很少一部分内容最终被整合到投给JXB的稿件中。因此,在稿件送审的同时,各团队将剩下的内容整理成论文的补充材料(Supplementary material),使大量无法包括在论文正文中的信息得以通过补充材料分享给读者。
本篇JXB 论文的一部分补充材料正在进一步拓展,以综述论文或专著章节(book chapter)等形式另行发表。最近徐云碧博士接到邀请,希望利用JXB论文准备期间提供的信息,用于专著“Advances in plant phenotyping for more sustainable crop production” 第13章“ Crop models of the future: how can they gain from the current developments in phenotyping?”的撰写。