李博生 单细胞组学和单分子分析平台主任
植物基因编码区产生的小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,siRNA)能够诱导基因沉默,具有重要的植物发育调节和胁迫响应功能。siRNA是小RNA干扰技术的主效因子,其也会造成转基因应用中不可控的基因沉默,严重影响了现代作物分子育种的生产应用。然而,科学界对植物基因编码区siRNA产生机制的研究非常有限,主要的原因是植物基因编码区产生的siRNA较少,难以发现诱导多个植物基因产生siRNA的条件或遗传材料。因此,该领域的科学研究空白亟待探索。本课题组的研究旨在解决农作物转基因技术容易出现基因沉默,导致大量目标基因降解无法实现分子育种应用的突出问题。研究植物基因编码区siRNA产生机制,拓展对小干扰RNA的认知,加强对基因沉默发生机制的理解,为开发高效的RNA干扰技术和调控转基因中的基因沉默提供新的原理和方法。
聚焦于植物再生过程的分子机制与细胞异质性解析,结合前沿空间转录组学技术,揭示了共合作用、激素及关键因子在器官再生中的协同调控网络。率先将空间转录组学应用于作物再生研究,突破传统单细胞测序的空间分辨率限制,开发与应用Stereo-seq、10x Visium等空间组学技术,结合单细胞核测序(snRNA-seq),构建植物再生过程中细胞类型与分子特征的高分辨率图谱,揭示细胞间空间结构层面的互作及组织特异性基因表达模式。聚焦番茄、杨树等作物,为优化组织培养与无性繁殖技术提供分子靶点,助力分子设计育种。
Dongdong Lu#; Caijuan Liu; Wenjun Ji; Ruiyan Xia; Shanshan Li; Yanxia Liu; Naixu Liu; Yongqi Liu; Xing Wang Deng; Bosheng Li*; Nanopore ultra-long sequencing and adaptive sampling spur plant complete telomere-totelomere genome assembly, Molecular plant, 2024,17(11).
Li Feng#; Wei Yan#; Xianli Tang#; Huihui Wu; Yajie Pan; Dongdong Lu; Qianyan Ling-Hu; Yuelin Liu; Yongqi Liu; Xiehai Song; Muhammad Ali; Liang Fang; Hongwei Guo*; Bosheng Li*; Multiple factors and features dictate the selective production of ct-siRNA in Arabidopsis, Communications biology, 2024,7(1).
Mohammad Saidur Rhaman#; Muhammad Ali#; Wenxiu Ye*; Bosheng Li*; Opportunities and Challenges in Advancing Plant Research with Single-Cell Omics, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2024,22(2).
Kaiwen Lv#; Naixu Liu; Yani Niu; Xiehai Song; Yongqi Liu; Zhiliang Yue; Muhammad Ali; Qiuyue Guo; Chunyu Lv; Dongdong Lu; Shaoman Zhang; Yangyan Zhou; Bosheng Li*; Spatial transcriptome analysis reveals de novo regeneration of poplar roots, Horticulture research, 2024,11(11).
Qibin Wang; Qiuyue Guo; Qingbiao Shi; Hengjia Yang; Meiling Liu; Yani Niu; Shuxuan Quan; Di Xu; Xiaofeng Chen; Laiyi Li; Wenchang Xu; Fanying Kong; Haisen Zhang; Pinghua Li; Bosheng Li*and Gang Li*;Histological and single-nucleus transcriptome analyses reveal the specialized functions of ligular sclerenchyma cells and key regulators of leaf angle in maize, Molecular plant,2024,17(6).
Song, X., Guo, P., Xia, K., Wang, M., Liu, Y., Chen, L., ... & Li, B. (2023). Spatial transcriptomics reveals light-induced chlorenchyma cells involved in promoting shoot regeneration in tomato callus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(38), e2310163120.
Chen, X., Liu, Y., Lv, K., Wang, M., Liu, X., & Li, B. (2023). FASTdRNA: a workflow for the analysis of ONT direct RNA sequencing. Bioinformatics Advances, 3(1), vbad099.
Song X, Guo P, Wang M, Chen L, Zhang J, Xu M, Liu N, Liu M, Fang L, Xu X, Gu Y, Xia K and Li B. 2023. Spatial transcriptomic atlas of shoot organogenesis in tomato callus. bioRxiv, pp.2023-02.
Wu H *, Li Bosheng *, Iwakawa HO, Pan Y, Tang X, Ling-hu Q, Liu Y, Sheng S, Feng L, Zhang H, Zhang X. Plant 22-nt siRNAs mediate translational repression and stress adaptation. Nature. 2020 581(7806):89-93. (一区,影响因子50,引用42)
Li Bosheng*, Wu H*, Guo H. Plant mRNA decay: extended roles and potential determinants. Current opinion in plant biology. 2018 45:178-84. (一区,影响因子8)
Li Yang *, Bosheng Li *, X. Z , J. L, G. H, X. D, C. A and Deng XW. Salicylic acid biosynthesis is enhanced and contributes to increased biotrophic pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis hybrids. Nature Communications, 2015 6:7309, *equal contributions (一区,影响因子11.47 引用次数 81)
Chen F*, Li Bosheng*, D. C. JB, Shi X, Deng XW. Photoreceptor partner FHY1 has an independent role in gene modulation and plant development under far-red light. PNAS. 2014 111(32):11888-93.35 (* equal contribution).(一区 影响因子11)
Chen F*, Li Bosheng*, D. C. JB, Shi X, Deng XW. Arabidopsis Phytochrome A Directly Targets Numerous Promoters for Individualized Modulation of Genes in a Wide Range of Pathways. The Plant Cell. 2014 16;26(5):1981-1991. 35 (* equal contribution). (一区,影响因子9.34 引用次数 47)
Jin D*, Li Bosheng*, Deng XW, Wei N. Plant COP9 Signalosome subunit 5, CSN5. Plant Sci. 2014 : 224:54-61. 35 (* equal contribution). ( 二区,影响因子3.9 引用次数 11)
Li Bosheng, D. H, Li J, Deng XW, Yin Weilun, Xia Xinli . Global identification of miRNAs and targets in P. euphratica under salt stress. Plant Molecular Biology 2013 81: 525-539. (二区 影响因子4.25 引用次数 98)
O. X*,J.L*, G. L*, Li Bosheng*, Chen B, Shen H, Huang X, Mo X, Wan X, Lin R, Li S, Wang H and Deng XW. Genome-Wide Binding Site Analysis of FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL3 Reveals Its Novel Function in Arabidopsis Development. The Plant Cell. 2011 Jul;23(7):2514-35 (* equal contribution). (一区 影响因子9.34 引用次数 98)
Li Bosheng, Q. Y, D. H, Yin Weilun, Xia Xinli Genome-wide characterization of new and drought stress responsive microRNAs in Populus euphratica. Journal of Experimental Botany 2011 Jul;62(11):3765-79. (一区,影响因子7 引用次数 270)
Li Bosheng, W. Yin, and X. Xia, Identification of microRNAs and their targets from Populus euphratica. BBRC 2009, 388272-7. (三区 影响因子2.3 引用次数 49)
Weikai Chen#; Xiangfeng Wang#; Jie Sun#; Xinrui Wang#; Zhangsheng Zhu#; Dilay Hazal Ayhan; Shu Yi; Ming Yan; Lili Zhang; Tan Meng; Yu Mu; Jun Li; Dian Meng; Jianxin Bian; Ke Wang; Lu Wang; Shaoying Chen; Ruidong Chen; Jingyun Jin; Bosheng Li; Xingping Zhang; Xing Wang Deng; Hang He*; Li Guo*. Two telomere-to-telomere gapless genomes reveal insights into Capsicum evolution and capsaicinoid biosynthesis. Nature communications, 2024,15(1).
Yilin Zhang#; Mingxia Zhao#; jingsheng Tan#; Minghan Huang#; Xiao Chu; Yan Li; Xue Han; Taohong Fang; Yao Tian; Robert Jarret; Dongdong Lu; Yijun Chen; Lifang Xue; Xiaoni Li; Guochen Qin; Bosheng Li;Yudong Sun; Xingwang Deng; Yun Deng*; Xingping Zhang*; Hang He*. Telomere-to-telomere Citrullus super-pangenome provides direction for watermelon breeding. Nature genetics, 2024.
Deng Y, Liu S, Zhang Y, Tan J, Li X, Chu X, Xu B, Tian Y, Sun Y, Li B, Xu Y, Deng X, He H, Zhang X. A telomere-to-telomere gap-free reference genome of watermelon and its mutation library provide important resources for gene discovery and breeding. Molecular Plant. 2022 Aug 1; 5(8):1268-1284.
Tan H, Li B, Guo H. The diversity of post-transcriptional gene silencing mediated by small silencing RNAs in plants. Essays in Biochemistry. 2020 Sep 4.
Zhang H, Zhang F, Yu Y, Feng L, Jia J, Liu B, Li B, Guo H, Zhai J. A comprehensive online database for exploring~ 20,000 public Arabidopsis RNA-Seq libraries. Mol Plant. 2020 Aug 5;S1674-2052(20)30257-4.
Yan Y, Li C, Dong X, Li H, Zhang D, Zhou Y, Jiang B, Peng J, Qin X, Cheng J, Wang X, Song P, Qi L, Zheng Y, Li B, Terzaghi W, Yang S, Guo Y, Li J. MYB30 Is a Key Negative Regulator of Arabidopsis Photomorphogenic Development that Promotes PIF4 and PIF5 Protein Accumulation in the Light. The Plant Cell. 2020 Jan 1. (cited by 3)
Huang P, Dong Z, Guo P, Zhang X, Qiu Y, Li Bosheng, Wang Y, Guo H. Salicylic acid suppresses apical hook formation via NPR1-mediated repression of EIN3 and EIL1 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 2020 Mar 1;32(3):612-29. (cited by 8)
Qi L, Liu S, Li C, Fu J, Jing Y, Cheng J, Li H, Zhang D, Wang X, Dong X, Han R. Li Bosheng et al.,PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORS interact with the ABA receptors PYL8 and PYL9 to orchestrate ABA signaling in darkness. Molecular Plant. 2020 Mar 2;13(3):414-30. (cited by 3)
Jin D, Wu M, Li Bosheng, Bücker B, Keil P, Zhang S, Li J, Kang D, Liu J, Dong J, Deng XW. The COP9 Signalosome regulates seed germination by facilitating protein degradation of RGL2 and ABI5. PLoS genetics. 2018 Feb 20;14(2):e1007237. (cited by 19)
Zhang, X., Ji, Y., Xue, C., Ma, H., Xi, Y., Huang, P., Wang, H., An, F., Li, Bosheng, Wang, Y. and Guo, H.,"Integrated Regulation of Apical Hook Development by Transcriptional Coupling of EIN3/EIL1 and PIFs in Arabidopsis." The Plant Cell 2018 30.9: 1971-1988. (cited by 18)
Farcuh M, Li Bosheng, Rivero RM, Shlizerman L, Sadka A, Blumwald E. Sugar metabolism reprogramming in a non-climacteric bud mutant of a climacteric plum fruit during development on the tree. Journal of experimental botany. 2017 Nov 25;68(21-22):5813-28. (cited by 14)
Feng Y, Xu P, Li Bosheng, et al. Ethylene promotes root hair growth through coordinated EIN3/EIL1 and RHD6/RSL1 activity in Arabidopsis[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(52): 13834-13839. (cited by 43)
Guo P, Li Z, Huang P, Li Bosheng, Fang S, Chu J, Guo H. A tripartite amplification loop involving the transcription factor WRKY75, salicylic acid, and reactive oxygen species accelerates leaf senescence. The Plant Cell. 2017 Jan 1:tpc-00438. (cited by 73)
Saha P, Sade N, Arzani A, Wilhelmi MD, Coe KM, Li Bosheng, Blumwald E. Effects of abiotic stress on physiological plasticity and water use of Setaria viridis (L.). Plant science. 2016 Oct 1;251:128-38. (cited by 30)
Kim HY, Saha P, Farcuh M, Li Bosheng, Sadka A, Blumwald E. RNA-Seq Analysis of Spatiotemporal Gene Expression Patterns During Fruit Development Revealed Reference Genes for Transcript Normalization in Plums. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 2015 Dec 1;33(6):1634-49. (cited by 18)
国家专利“杨树中8种功能miRNA”,夏新莉,尹伟伦,李博生.CN 101864415A
国家发明专利“一种植物超长基因组DNA的提取方法”,鹿东东,李博生,李珊珊,刘彩娟,刘艳霞. ZL 2023 1 0504423.6