

8月3日, 智种网发布了美国育种家的育种成功十原则,介绍美国乔治亚大学教授Dr. Roger Boerma从事大豆育种40年之经验总结:


根据智种网提供的信息,分子育种践行者徐云碧博士联系了美国依阿华州立大学(ISU)余建明教授。他毫无保留地与我们交流和分享了经乔治亚大学教授 Boerma博士授权可以用于教学和讨论的PPT。这套PPT是Boerma博士在2014 美国植物育种家协会(National Association of Plant Breeders, NAPB)年会上的获奖演讲。在北京大学现代农业研究院分子育种研修班(Molecular Breeding Academy, MBA)创办之际,我们以这篇微文作为 “育种MBA”专栏的第一篇论文,介绍美国植物育种家协会、著名育种家的经验分享以及分子育种研修班的创办理念。也许公共单位的育种及其经验不能反映国际跨国种业公司的情况,但对于育种过程本身,很多方面的经验应该是互通的。我们将在随后的“育种MBA”栏目,分期介绍我们对Boerma博士经验的认识和解读。




NAPB的前身是植物育种协调委员会(Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee, PBCC). 根据NAPB网站(www.plantbreeding.org)提供的信息,PBCC主导有关长期战略重要性的议题、问题和机遇的讨论。NAPB是美国联邦、州、公司和非政府组织的植物育种家推广服务团体。NAPB的使命是增强植物育种以促进食品安全、生活品质和可持续性未来。NAPB的愿景包括在以下三个领域:(1) 加强公共和私立机构的独立工作并共同为市场提供品种和改良的种质;(2)帮助公众认识和重视植物育种在食物安全、生活品质和可持续性未来方面的价值和重要性;(3)帮助认识植物育种的动态性、问题导向和创造性。

NAPB举行每年一度的植物育种家年会,并评选三大奖项:终身成就奖(Lifetime Achievement Award)授予在植物育种领域长期从事育种/遗传研究、教育、推广、担任地区、国家和/国际领导的杰出个人。早期生涯科学家奖(Early Career Scientist Award)授予活跃在植物育种领域,表现出坚实研究基础(实验技术,论文等)、开展多学科团队协作、参与相关领域职业社团的年轻科学家(获得博士学位十年)。植物育种影响奖(Plant Breeding Impact Award)授予在公共育种领域(包括研究、技术创新、种质开发、品种推广、教育和领导方面)具有卓越影响的杰出科学家。这些获奖者将在年度会议上发表获奖演说。美国植物育种家协会的这些做法值得国内植物育种团体、组织或协会借鉴。

2014年NAPB上,Roger Boerm博士获得植物育种影响奖。与他一起获奖的包括终生成就奖获得者Johnie Jenkins博士,早期生涯科学家奖获得者 Seth Murray博士。2014NAPB年会的会议和获奖者报告信息如下:

4th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Plant Breeders, 8th Annual Meeting of the Plant Breeding Coordinating Committee “Breeding for Tolerance to Water Stress”, Minneapolis, MN August 5‐8, 2014


1:00 From Depression Era Mules to the Moon and Back: My Lifetime with Cotton. Lifetime Awardee ‐ Johnie Jenkins, USDA/ARS, Genetics and Precision Agriculture  

1:25 Ten Things a Successful Plant Breeder Understands. Impact Awardee‐ Roger Boerma, Georgia Seed Development, Athens, GA

1:50 Plant Breeding Approaches and Technologies for Challenges in Agriculture: A View from a Texas Maize Breeding Program. Early Career Awardee‐ Seth Murray, Texas A & M




Dr. Boerma从事大豆育种达 40 年,自己总结了很多经验,其中最有名的就是在美国植物育种家协会上的演讲 “成功植物育种家所领悟的十件大事 (Ten Things a Successful Plant Breeder Understands)”。我们在此将其翻译成中文,以飨读者。


1.Definition and exploitation of base populations of environments and genotypes



2. Importance of the selection unit for a trait



3.Uniform plots strength the association between phenotype and genotype: laying out an experiment without first visiting the field is a fundamental indiscretion (be good agronomist)



4.Use of heritability of a trait to achieve maximum gain per year



5.Selection is effective in non-stress environments because they are reproducible; selection is also successful in reproducible stress environments, but not irreproducible ones



6. There is a large amount of additive genetic variance for most quantitative traits



7.Marker-assisted selection is a tool, not a discipline; and genome-wide selection requires experimental verification



8. Always include check genotypes (often the parents) in breeding experiments and know how you will analyze an experiment before you plant it



9.Plant breeders are integrators of information from many disciplines including breeding methodology, genetic, genomics, statistic, agronomy, pathology, economics and prophecy



10. Time and cost are the adversaries of plant breeders, or stated another way, plant breeding is like swimming rather than diving (first to market usually wins, there is no style points)



Dr. Roger Boerma简历


ROGER BOERMA, Georgia Seed Development Commission, Athens, GA Roger Boerma was born and raised on a grain and livestock farm in Logan County near Emden, Illinois, USA.  He received his B.S. in agricultural education from Illinois State University.  He completed a M.S. and Ph.D. in plant breeding and genetics at the University of Illinois. He began his professional career after graduation at the University of Georgia as an assistant professor of agronomy where he spent the next 39 years.  He and his wife, Cindy, have two daughters, Erica and LeeAnn, and a granddaughter, Anna. Prior to his retirement from the University of Georgia in 2011, he served as a Distinguished Research Professor and Director of the Center for Applied Genetic Technologies. His professional accomplishments include releasing 28 high yielding, multiple pest resistant soybean varieties for southeastern producers and publishing 175 scientific journal papers along with numerous book chapters and conference proceedings. His recent research focused on the development and integration of marker assisted selection in the soybean breeding pipeline. He was awarded six U.S. patents and a number of U.S. Plant Variety Protection Certificates. He was instrumental in the development of the University of Georgia’s Center for Applied Genetic Technologies and was a founder of the Institute for Plant Breeding,

Genetics, and Genomics. He directed 11 M.S. and 15 Ph.D. students and served as a mentor to 14 post‐doctoral associates.  In July of 2011 he was named Executive Director of Georgia Seed Development located in Athens GA where he is responsible for the providing direction and vision to the organization and administering the policies developed by the Board of Directors.  

      分子育种的理论和实践需要将各种组学、分子生物学、生物统计学、计算生物学、生物信息学等的理论、技术和方法与现代育种技术结合起来。为应对新技术的挑战,正在从事育种工作的科研人员需要通过继续学习,不断更新和夯实在相关领域的理论和实践。为此,北京大学现代农业研究院决定创办分子育种研修班(Molecular Breeding Academy,MBA),开设分子育种高级课程,为育种工作者提供全方位的分子育种理论、技术、平台、方法和应用的培训。第一期研修班将于11月14-26日举办,授课内容、报名、赞助等信息见研修班通知:

北京大学现代农业研究院 2021分子育种研修班(MBA)第二轮通知(点击查看)



